Our Values

Our value for October is Friendship!

Click here to find out more about our values-based education. 

Our Values

Meadows Primary School and Nursery

Healthy Lifestyle Crew

At Meadows, we are committed to enabling our children to live happy and healthy lifestyles.

At Meadows we are incredibly proud to have pupil representatives that take part in healthy lifestyle meetings and represent the views of all pupils. The Healthy Lifestyle Crew work to make improvements to the school that involve health and wellbeing so that pupils have a voice and are involved in decisions about the school that affect them.

Healthy Lifestyle Crew's Mission:

  • To plan and promote activities which promote a healthy lifestyle. 
  • To support children's learning about nutrition and health. 
  • To represent the views of children in our school with our kitchen team. 

What are the responsibilities of a Safeguarding Squad member?

  • To help all children in our school lead a happy and healthy life.
  • To help children in school to know who they can talk to about any concerns around their health or happiness.
  • To be approachable, kind and friendly.
  • To help children in our school be happy and healthy.
  • To take their role seriously and follow Meadows Expectations as good role models.
  • To help children in our school make good choices about being healthy. 
  • To contribute to school initiatives to improve health and happiness.

What makes a good Healthy Lifestyle Crew member?

  • Knowing that issues or concerns can be best helped when discussed with an adult.
  • Articulate in explaining.
  • Committed to the role.
  • Proud of our school.
  • Good at considering strategies to support others.
  • Able to use their own initiative.
  • Good parental or carer support – to enable pupils to discuss issues raised at home.

What will Safeguarding Squad do this year?

This is our long-term overview for the 2023–2024 academic year. These are the goals we hope to accomplish in order to help our peers and to develop as a team.

Autumn 2

To work with the school kitchen and review the hot school meals on offer at Meadows.

Spring 1

To promote healthy lunchboxes within Meadows by creating leaflets to share with pupils and parents.

Present ‘Healthy Lunchbox’ assembly.

To help support an active time in the school day for all classes to improve mental wellbeing and fitness i.e.- ‘Wake n Shake’.

Spring 2

To promote healthy snack options at playtimes by creating leaflets to share with pupils and parents.

Present ‘Healthy Snack Options’ assembly.

Summer 1

Review school meals service options – conduct Pupil Voice survey and present to T&W meal service.

Summer 2

To help the ‘Friends of Meadows’ promote the School Summer Fair and hold a ‘Healthy Options’ stall.