Our Values

Our value for October is Friendship!

Click here to find out more about our values-based education. 

Our Values

Meadows Primary School and Nursery

Frequently Asked Questions

Placing your child in any Nursery environment will of course raise lots of questions for you. We hope some of these may be answered below. For any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

What time will the Nursery open?

In the morning, the Nursery door opens at 8.40am. In the afternoon, the Nursery door opens at 12.20pm. Children arriving after this time will need to go through the main school entrance. Please do arrive punctually to ensure your children can be welcomed and settled effectively.

How do I contact the school if I need to? 

Please call us on 01952 386230. Please press '1' and ask to speak to Mrs Murphy, our Nursery Administrator. Miss Murphy will be happy to support you with any questions you may have. Our school e-mail address is a3362@telford.gov.uk.

When you have started in our Nursery, you will also be given access to ClassDojo, ClassDojo is an app which allows direct communication between yourselves and our Nursery team. 

How can I be sure my child will settle and get used to the routines?

When your child has officially been given a place at Meadows Nursery and you have received written confirmation of the sessions available to them, we will ensure a ‘settling in visit’ for yourselves and your child. The settling in visit will be arranged at a time and date of your convenience.

We want to ensure that your settling in visit gives you, the parent, and your child the confidence and reassurance that Meadows Nursery will offer an excellent provision to support your child’s earliest learning experiences.

Your Nursery visit will:

  • Be led by your child’s Key Worker – an excellent chance to meet the adult who has the special responsibility to ensure your child’s care and educational needs and be your first ‘port of call’ for discussions about your child.
  • Allow you to experience the Nursery ‘in action’ – a chance for you to see how your child settles in, interacts with others and explores the free-flow learning environment.
  • Be an opportunity to meet other key workers – it’s important to us that, like your child, you know all of the adults who will enjoy, achieve and learn with them each day.
  • Allow your child to play, learn and enjoy – a wonderful opportunity for your child to get to know the Nursery rooms and the outside area, with you in a comforting proximity.
  • Be a time to share any questions or concerns you have - your key worker will have of course read the ‘All About Me’ form you have returned prior, but we are committed to ensuring we make the very best start to our Nursery and Parent relationship. Please don’t hesitate to speak to your friendly Key Worker.

Following your settling in visit, your child’s booked sessions will commence, we hope, with confidence and excitement! Our weekly ‘Meadows Mail’ newsletter, half-termly Curriculum Newsletters, daily use of ClassDojo and a welcoming open-door policy, will provide you with continued support, feedback and reassurance. 

To help the children settle we will follow a daily routine e.g. snack times are at the same time every day, outdoor play times are at set times daily etc.

Do you have a curriculum? What kind of activities do you provide?

We use the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework as the foundation for our play and learning. We incorporate this with our children’s interests to form the basis of our activities. We provide a range of activities to support every area of development and the children have access to the outdoor area daily. We ensure age and stage related technology opportunities are available; this includes push button toys through to computers and digital cameras.

If my child is unwell are they allowed to attend? Can you give medication?

We have an illness and infection policy with periods of exclusion for some contagious infections which follows health protection agency guidelines. A cough and cold and regular childhood illnesses can be managed. If any prescribed medicine is to be administered prior consent must be given. All policies, including a policy for administering medicines can be viewed by clicking here.

In accordance with our attendance policy and safeguarding policy, we request that you contact the school office to notify the Nursery every day of your child’s absence.

What happens if my child becomes ill whilst at Preschool?

If your child becomes ill we will contact you immediately and ask you to collect your child if required. To support us with this we ask that you ensure that the contact numbers you provide are up to date and accurate.

What if my child has antibiotics?

As stated in our administering medicines policy we are happy to administer antibiotics which have been prescribed by a doctor. We will require you to complete a medication form giving us consent to administer the medicine.

My child has asthma, is that a problem?

Not at all! We are able to administer inhalers with your consent. We ask that you have an extra inhaler, in a named container, to leave at Nursery at all times.

What if my child has an accident?

We have an accident policy in place and all staff are aware of the procedures to follow. Our staff have paediatric first aid qualifications, which are updated every three years. We inform you of any accident involving your child and, if necessary, ask you to sign the accident form at the end of the day. In the unlikely event of a serious injury you would be advised immediately if medical attention is/was required, and if necessary an ambulance will be called.

What if I can’t get to the Nursery in time for the session closing? Can I send someone else?

If you can’t get to the Nursery in time to collect your child at the end of a session you may send someone else but they must be over 16 years old. This person must have consent to collect your child. You must inform the school office who will be coming and give us a full description of the person and what time they will be arriving.

Do I pay fees?

Children are entitled to government funding for up to 30 hours of childcare from the term after they turn 3. A funding form will be given to you in the first week of each term and we ask that you complete and return this form as promptly as possible. Currently the entitlement allows for up to 30 hours of childcare per week for eligible families and this can be shared between two settings if you wish. There is also funding available for 2 year olds. There is a criteria your child must meet to access this funding. If you require any further information about this please click here.

Do the children go on outings?

We use the local area facilities for outings e.g. walks, a trip to the shops or park. You will have already provided consent for these trips in your enrolment forms but will be advised in advance if a trip is planned. For a trip outside of our local area, you will need to provide written parental consent and a voluntary contribution may be required to fund the excursion.

Are your staff qualified and checked for suitability?

All of our employees are subject to an enhanced DBS disclosure and appropriate references are sought. The qualifications across our team meet the current welfare requirements. We have staff with Early Years Practitioner status and most other staff have an NVQ Level 2 or 3 (or equivalent). All staff have access to continuous professional development. We also have work experience students and trainee teachers (from local colleges/university); students never have unsupervised access to the children.

What are your opening hours?

Nursery session in the morning starts at 8.40am -11.40am and the afternoon session runs from 12.20pm – 3.20pm. If your child stays all day, we ask that you bring a packed lunch, or order them a hot school lunch.

What are the procedures for collecting and dropping off my child?

Please try to arrive a few minutes before the start of your child’s session so that we can start promptly. Similarly, it is important to collect your child on time. If you are running late please contact us so that we can support your child.

Anyone who drops off or collects your child must be over 16 years of age.

If you are persistently late in either dropping off or collecting your child, we will ask you to attend a meeting so we can discuss ways to support you in ensuring your child takes advantage of a full session at Nursery and is collected promptly at the end of a session.

We are grateful to parents / carers who walk to collect their child. Where this is not possible we appreciate your considerate parking.

Do you cater for dietary requirements?

On application for a place we ask you to provide information of dietary requirements and/or known allergies to ensure individual needs are catered for.

My child has Special Educational Needs, is that a problem?

No. We operate a comprehensive SEND and Inclusion policy. We have a SENDCO, Ms Lynne Sherry, who has a great deal of experience. More information can be viewed in the SEND tab at the top of this page. We will work collaboratively with parents and other professionals to ensure the needs of your child are met.

When can my child start?

Children can attend our Nursery the term before their third birthday, subject to availability of spaces. Upon receipt of your child’s details, we will add their name(s) to our waiting list. Your child’s place will be confirmed during the half term before they are due to start.

Can I lose my Nursery place?

After 10 days of unexplained absence a child’s place at the Nursery will be forfeited. Should the parent wish the child to be re-admitted the child will be placed on the waiting list.

What clothes should my child wear?

Meadows Nursery has a uniform which we encourage your child to wear to all sessions. Click here to view information on this uniform.

We provide aprons for use during ‘messy’ play; however we cannot accept liability for damaged or stained clothing. Pre-School will also provide waterproof trousers for the children to wear if conditions / activities require this. When choosing clothing such as shoes, please consider articles which the child can manage. This develops their self-esteem and helps them to become independent. Belts, braces, dungarees, trainers and high laced boots are difficult to master. Open-toed sandals are not permitted for Health & Safety reasons. Each child must have a named change of clothes every day. We appreciate any clothes loaned by Nursery being returned as soon as possible, freshly laundered and ironed.

Jewellery should not be worn.

Children also have the opportunity to play and learn outside throughout the whole year, especially on Welly Wednesdays. Please ensure they have a coat, hat and gloves as appropriate. During the summer it is essential that suitable footwear is worn; no flip flops, open-toed sandals or bare feet. Please supply a named sun hat and apply sun cream prior to the session.

Can my child wear nappies?

Pull Ups or nappies must be provided by you for your child, with named wipes and sacks. The Nursery has a small stock for emergencies. Meadows Primary School and Nursery has an Intimate Care policy which is available to read on our Policies Page.