Our Values

Our value for October is Friendship!

Click here to find out more about our values-based education. 

Our Values

Meadows Primary School and Nursery

Sports Premium

As with every Primary School in the country Meadows Primary School has been provided with additional funding to improve the provision of Physical Education and sport in our school. We are proud with the choices we have made to spend this money – decisions which impact directly on the Physical Education of our children.


Meadows Primary School and Nursery uses the income from Sports Premium to endeavour to improve the provision of Physical Education and sport in our school. We aspire to spend every penny to impact significantly on the long-term quality of Physical Education in our school.


  • We ensure the funding is ring-fenced for Physical Education and Sport at Meadows.
  • Decisions on spending impact directly on the quality of our Children’s received Physical Education.
  • We recognise that any investment in specialist teaching of children must be done in conjunction and collaboration with the classroom teacher to enhance the long-term impact of Physical Education at Cranfield.
  • To allocate Sports Premium funding following a needs analysis which will identify priority areas for Physical Education.
  • To raise the levels of Pupil's progress and attainment in Physical Education

 Proposed Expenditure for 2024 to 2025

We look forward to sharing with you our plans for proposed expenditure for the current academic year, very soon!

Previous Sports Premium Expenditure

2023 to 2024 Sports Premium Expenditure Report